💬 Context
When does the problem occur?
- Travelers face challenges when seeking unique and affordable options for stay (accommodations).
😡 Problem
What is the root cause of the problem?
- Limited access to diverse and affordable accommodations for travelers.
👀 Alternatives
What do customers do now to fix the problem?
- Travelers may opt for traditional hotels, motels, or rental agencies.
👫 Customers
Who has the problem most often?
- Travelers seeking unique, personalized, and affordable accommodation.
👿 Emotional Impact
How does the customer feel?
- Travelers may feel frustrated with limited options and a lack of variety.
📊 Quantifiable Impact
What is the measurable impact?
- Increased satisfaction, positive reviews from travelers, and # of bookings.
👎 Alternative Shortcomings
What are the “-” of the alternatives?
- Traditional lodging options may lack uniqueness and personalization.